How to ASR Installation & Configuration For Exadata X6,7,8 and PCA X6,7,8

Oracle ASR

ASR Manager Installation and registration steps are as follows;

  1. ASR Manager Installation

Follow the procedures below while installing the ASR package on the ASR manager system.

  1. You can connect as root in the ASR Manager system and open a terminal window

2. You can install For ASR package, go to the folder where you unpacked this package and install it using the command below.

  • For Oracle Linux; run: rpm -i SUNWswasr.version_num.rpm

3. As the installation progresses, you will be prompted to make some selections. Use the list below for this and respond accordingly.

  • “. . . select all packages to process,”  When prompted, press [Return] and select all packages. sorulduğunda, [Return] .
  • “. . . install conflicting files,” Press the “Y” key when prompted.
  • “. . . scripts will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package,” Press the “Y” key when prompted.

4. Add the asr command to the PATH  environment variable. This update can be done on some files of the root user (.profile, .cshrc, .kshrc, or .bashrc) as needed.


       export PATH

5.  To confirm proper network connection between ASR Manager and Oracle, refer to section 4-14 in “Test Connectivity from the ASR Manager to Oracle” document. “Register the ASR Manager” if approved.

Continue the procedure.

2. ASR Manager Registration

Follow the procedures below for ASR Manager registration. Make sure you are connected to the ASR Manager system as root user.

            Note: To work in the ASR system, type “asr” on the command line as root user.

  1. To register for ASR Manager:

             asr> register

2. If you are using a proxy server to connect to the internet, enter the information of your proxy server specified in section 1-6 of the “Network Connection Requirements” document. If you are not using a proxy server, enter the “-(hyphen)” command.

3.  The screenshot should look like this:

             Proxy server name: ? <proxy server name>

      Proxy port number: ? <proxy port number>

      Proxy authentication; if authentication is not required, enter -.

      Proxy user: <proxy user name>

      Proxy password: <proxy password>

      If this is an NTLM type proxy, enter the information below.

      Otherwise, enter –

      NTLM Domain: [?] <NTLM domain name>

      Enter the host the NTLM authentication request is originating

      from. Usually this is the hostname of the SASM server.

      NTLM Host: [?] <NTLM host name>

      NTLM support is not bundled with SASM but may be added now.

      1) Download jCIFS from

      2) Extract contents and locate the jcifs-*.jar file

      3) Enter full path to this file below

      jCIFS jar file: [?] <full path of jCIFS jar file>

      Note: These properties are stored in the

      /var/opt/SUNWsasm/configuration/config.ini file. You can update these

      properties if needed and then restart the SASM.

4.  Enter the Oracle Support username and password when prompted.

5.  It will validate your ASR login on the credential entry. Once verified, the registration process will be finished.

6.  Use the following command to check the ASR Registration status.

             asr> show_reg_status

A message showing the registration status of the ASR appears on the screen.

7.  Make sure to send information to the ASR server with the following command.

             asr> test_connection

This command sends a test message (ping) to the server.

8.  With a successful result above, it is registered to the ASR Manager system.

From ASR Manager Server

Verify that http receiver is enabled and determine the port used.

asr show_http_receiver

HTTP Receiver configuration:

1 2 3 4 5HTTP Receiver Status: Enabled Host Name: HTTP Port: 16161 HTTPS/SSL Port: 8701 HTTPS/SSL: Enabled

Verify that the port used by http_receiver for Oracle ASR is the same as the asrmPort set for snmpSubscriber on database servers and storage servers.

Check the asrmPort for the snmpSubscriber on the database servers:

dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpSubscriber

Expected Output:
(host=’ASR Mgr Host’,port=162,community=public,type=asr,asrmPort=ASR_Mgr_http_or_https_port))






ILOM IP address

# asr activate_asset -i Node ILOM IP

ILOM host name

# asr activate_asset -h Node ILOM host name


Log in to the first database server as the root user.

Retrieve the current SNMP subscriber configuration for the server.

dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root “dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpsubscriber”

Modify snmp attributes on Compute Nodes:

dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root “dbmcli -e alter dbserver snmpSubscriber=((host=’ASR Mgr Host’,port=162,community=public,type=asr,asrmPort=ASR_Mgr_http_or_https_port))”

Note: If you need to add multiple fault notification destinations, then specify multiple SNMP subscribers using a comma-delimited list.

Verify the changes :

dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root “dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpsubscriber”


Log in to the first database server as the root user.

Retrieve the current SNMP subscriber configuration for the Storage server.

dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root “cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpsubscriber”

Modify snmp attributes on Compute Nodes:

dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root “cellcli -e alter cell snmpSubscriber=((host=’ASR Mgr Host’,port=162,community=public,type=asr,asrmPort=ASR_Mgr_http_or_https_port))”

Note: If you need to add multiple fault notification destinations, then specify multiple SNMP subscribers using a comma-delimited list.

Verify the changes :

dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root “cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpsubscriber”

Run the following commands to validate SNMP trap configurations

Compute Nodes configuration validation:

dcli -g dbs_group -l root “dbmcli -e list dbserver attributes snmpSubscriber”

Storage Cell Nodes configuration validation:

dcli -g cell_group -l celladmin “cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpsubscriber”

Database node SNMP validation

dcli -g dbs_group -l root “dbmcli -e alter dbserver validate snmp type=asr”

Storage node SNMP validation

dcli -g cell_group -l root “cellcli -e alter cell validate snmp type=asr”

After validation, Oracle sends email notifications from each node to:

The Oracle ASR Manager registered user specified in the Oracle ASR Manager asr register command.

Asset contact contact assigned in My Oracle Support.

Distribution mailing list assigned (optional) on My Oracle Support.(Optional)
